Timeline of first refunds

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The timing of refunds will vary across shipping carriers and accounts. Once the auditing process has begun, customers can expect to begin seeing credits within the first two weeks, generally. Credits may be applied against the invoice or account by the carrier on the same day or within a few days. The notes below offer a bit more detail on each carrier.

FedEx® Refunds

Refunds are applied to the same invoice where the charges were originally posted. If a payment was made on that invoice before the dispute could be filed, then disputes will be issued to the customer in the form of a refund to the credit card on file at FedEx® or as a check in the mail. Credits to invoices are usually observed and witnessed within the first week.

UPS® Refunds

Refunds are applied to future invoices in the form of credits. Usually, customers can see this on next week’s invoice. The invoice number where the refund is observed is reported within the account.

DHL® Refunds

Getting refunds on DHL® is a slower start, compared to FedEx® and UPS®. The first refunds start rolling in within two to four weeks of the disputes being filed on the account. You can inform customers to be patient to see the first refunds coming in on the account.
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