Shipments Detail with GLC

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The Shipments Detail with GLC report can be found within the reporting dashboard. The intent of this article is to explain the function of the report.
This report is a combination of all shipment details along with General Ledger Coding information for each shipment.


GL Coding service must be enabled in order to export report.

How to generate report

This report can be exported by tapping the Export Data icon found within the Reports section on the left sidebar.

Fields included within report

  • GL Cost Code
  • GL Bank Code
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Amount
  • Tracking Number
  • Service
  • Billing option
  • Zone
  • Account
  • Ship Date
  • Delivery Date
  • Delivery Time
  • Commercial/Residential Designation
  • Currency
  • Net Charges
  • # of Packages
  • Multi-Piece Shipments
  • Package Dimension – Length
  • Package Dimension – Width
  • Package Dimension – Height
  • Tender Weight
  • Actual Weight Unit of Measure
  • Billed Weight
  • Billed Weight Unit of Measure
  • Ref #1
  • Ref #2
  • Sender information
  • Receiver information
  • Charge Description
  • Charge Amount

Schedule reports

The Shipments Detail with GLC report can be scheduled within the Scheduled reports section of the Reporting Dashboard.

Additional resources

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