Shipment Details Accessorials Report

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The Shipment Details Accessorials Report can be found within the Reporting Dashboard. The intent of this article is to explain the function of the report.


The purpose of the Shipment Details Accessorials Report is to provide details on charges, cost components, billed to any given shipment observed during the period according to invoice date or shipment date, wherein accessorial charges are billed to categories that classify all charges tabulated, observed during the period.

How to generate report

In order to generate the Shipment Details Accessorials Report, proceed with the following:
The following will appear after tap of Export Data:


Each field within controls the output file, and related data within.

Template. Select Shipment Details Accessorials Report
Shipping Accounts. Select target account or All.
Date Range. Select the target 1 month period, or otherwise.
Date Range Field. Shipment Date (most common)
File Type: csv, or otherwise.
for additional guidance on how to generate advanced customer reports.
The Shipment Details Accessorials Report contains the following
  • Shipper Name
  • Account Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Tracking Number
  • Invoice Amount
  • Service Description
  • Total Charges
  • Transportation Charges
  • Discounts
  • Residential Charges
  • Fuel Charges
  • Saturday Charges
  • Tax Charges
  • Ahs Weight Charges
  • Ahs Dim Charges
  • Ahs Package Charges
  • Address Correction Charges
  • Das Comm Charges
  • Das Extend Comm Charges
  • Das Extended Resi Charges
  • Das Resi Charges
  • Oversize Charges
  • Peak Oversize Charges
  • Peak Ahs Charges
  • Misc Charges
  • Invoice Date
  • Ship Date
  • Delivery Date
  • Invoice Due Date
  • Sender Name
  • Sender Company Name
  • Sender Address Lines
  • Sender City
  • Sender State
  • Sender Postal
  • Sender Country Territory
  • Receiver Name
  • Receiver Company Name
  • Receiver Address Lines
  • Receiver City
  • Receiver State
  • Receiver Postal
  • Receiver Country Territory
  • Invoice Status
  • Actual Weight
  • Billed Weight
  • Length
  • Width
  • Multipiece
  • Package Quantity
  • Shipment Reference Number 1
  • Shipment Reference Number 2
  • Package Refernce Number 1
  • Package Reference Number 2
  • Package Reference Number 3
  • Package Reference Number 4
  • Package Reference Number 5
  • Zone
  • Entered Value
  • Declared Value Charges
  • Carrier
  • Invoice Currency Code
  • Lead Shipment Number
  • Client Name

Schedule reports

The Shipment Details Accessorials Report can be scheduled within the Scheduled Reports section of the Reporting Dashboard. Check the screenshots above for the Report Schedule button for guidance to the location within the dashboard.

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