How to see recent customer invoices

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The recent invoices billed to a customer’s account can be viewed within the Edit User page inside your merchant admin dashboard.
The intent of this article is to showcase how to navigate to the edit page, provide insight on the information that’s there, and point to additional reports each customer.

Directions to see recent customer invoices

Directions to see invoices for all customers

How to export customer invoices

Look for the export feature at the top right of any view of customer invoices. Invoice and payment information will be downloaded in the file format requested (i.e. xlsx, csv, pdf).
export customer invoices
Figure 1. Export customer invoices feature.

Advanced exports

A list of each tracking number where savings was secured can be found within the Customer Dashboard. The impersonation feature built into your admin dashboard allows you to navigate to the customer dashboard. Exporting customer invoices can be down in Export Data within the Reporting Dashboard.
export data card within customer dashboard
Figure 2. Export data card within the reporting dashboard
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