How to update an invalid email address

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Share a Refund sends emails within milliseconds from its system. If you have not received a confirmation email, chances are you entered an incorrect or invalid email address. It’s important to verify that your email is correct to avoid experiencing an interruption in service. This article will outline how to update an invalid email address.

Check for the email

If you want to check for the email before contacting Share A Refund for account assistance you can easily do so. Go to your inbox and first check in the spam folder to confirm the email wasn’t directed to spam. If the email did appear in the spam folder, mark the message as Not spam, and add the sender of the email as a known contact in your address book. This will keep emails moving seamlessly in the future.

Common issues

Common issues exist that prevent some emails from being delivered.

The email server is rejecting messages

Strict email security prevents messages from unknown senders. This can be resolved through an update on the mail server.

Mailbox is full

Archive or delete emails if necessary. A full inbox means you could miss out on the email verification.

Email address is invalid

Typos happen to the best of us. An error in the email address can be easily and quickly fixed by talking to customer service.

Contact customer service about an invalid email

The Share A Refund customer service team is ready to help you get your account set up swiftly. If the email cannot be located, or if the email address entered on your account needs to be changed, then contact customer service today. A member of the team can update your email address and prevent any further interruptions in service.
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