How to verify refunds and credits

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Billing adjustments related to service failure and overcharges are applied to shipping invoices as credits. This guide showcases how to find these refund credits using the tools built into your Share A Refund account.

Using a Share A Refund invoice

Trying to see more info on a tracking number?

Search for that tracking number within your Share A Refund account to quickly see all details that shipment.

Each refund credit applied to shipping invoices is verified to actions taken by Share A Refund to get that refund secured back to your account. Any refunds applied to your account that were related to actions your team took to get that refund or automatic refunds provided by the carriers are neither invoiced nore billed service fees. Topics within this help center cover Understanding my bill in greater detail.

Using a Share A Refund export

The exported document can be opened in any spreadsheet tool (e.g. Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel) and showcases the refunds verified. This scope is limited to the refunds secured by actions taken by Share A Refund, and the shipments relate to the line items on recent Share A Refund invoices.

Using the carrier online billing tools

Each carrier provides online tools to you that help you understand costs. The steps to verify each shipment are varied. The best course of action is to search for the tracking number where a refund was secured. Customer service team and support resources provided by the carrier are the best tools for getting help with navigating your shipping account.

Using a carrier invoice

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