Update billing emails and notifications

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For added flexibility and control over your information, Share A Refund manages all emails related to billing events as a separate entity within your account.

Useful tip

All email settings are managed within the customer dashboard.

Add, remove or change email addresses

Support for invoice capture solutions

Any customer outsourcing payables to a management company can add the targeted email address to the Billing Notifications card defined in the section above. Best practices for supporting invoice capture solutions are built into Share A Refund, and include:
More in-depth help topics related to invoice format are found within this support portal.

Change the frequency of emails notifications

Note: this does not affect billing and payment terms

The frequency of the emails sent doesn’t affect the billing terms on your account.

Events that trigger billing emails

Events and timelines subject to frequency settings

The frequency settings specified on your account may affect email notifications defined below.

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