How far back does an audit go?

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New customer? See your overspend.

Analysis and report that details the overspend on recent shipping invoices. No credit card or software download required

New customer tip

Multiple weeks of invoices will be collected when your Share a Refund account is first created. This ensures that all potential refunds are captured within your shipping accounts.

The auditing service built into Share a Refund collects historical invoices as far back as the window of time available to file disputes and claims. The intent of this article is to define the standards and exceptions specific filing claims on historical shipments when a new customer account is first created.

FedEx® recovery window

The historical two weeks of shipments posted to the shipping account(s).

UPS® recovery window

The historical twenty-four weeks (6 months) of shipments posted to the shipping account(s). The six months relate to namely manifested, unvoided shipments. All other opportunities for recovery are limited to the trailing two weeks of shipments posted to the shipping account(s).

DHL® recovery window

The historical two weeks of shipments posted to the shipping account(s).


Previous auditing activities

In the case that claims were previously filed on historical shipments, albeit through a professional shipment auditing firm or through internal processes, historical shipments can be filtered from claim filing services. This is done upon request. Additional topics within this knowledge base related to making the switch from another auditor to Share A Refund define the steps to request that claims are filed on shipments where claims were previously filed.

Online billing not enabled

Some carriers don’t provide historical shipping and invoice data online. This relates specifically to customers, who recently enabled online billing features within their shipping accounts. In some cases, no historical data is available, and thus no auditing or claim filing is possible, again due to the limitations within the online billing center.

Changes in agreements

If there are any changes to agreements that affect the rules that regulate how refunds are filed, then exceptions can be made to ensure disputes are filed (or not filed) according to business requirements. The claim filing service built into Share A Refund can be customized to accommodate waivers of any type. More information on managing waivers is available within other topics within the Share a Refund help center.

Historical invoices

All carriers have a limit on the amount of data made available in electronic format to customers. In most cases, this period of time is six months to one year. New customers can request that all historical invoices available within the shipping account can be processed by Share A Refund, though no disputes or claims will be filed on these shipments in accordance with the terms of service provided by the carrier.

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