DHL® Express insurance settings

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The settings listed below are intended to provide guidance to Share A Refund customers in configuring lost and damage claims for DHL® express automatically, within the Share A Refund customer dashboard. The options detailed below are available within the Edit shipping account page, on the Lost and damage service section.

Template / Default options for DHL®:

  • Enabled. Y (Auto)

    This ensures that claims are filed automatically.
  • Include service failures. Y

    Note: mark as N when no time-sensitivity exists for typical shipments.

    Note: mark as Y for time-sensitive, perishable shipments. Claims will be submitted on any shipment not delivered on the scheduled delivery date.

    Examples of time-sensitive perishable shipments:

    1. Example: Fresh produce
    2. Example: Specialty foods
    3. Example: Live tissue samples

    Exclusions for time-sensitive perishable shipments:

    1. Hazardous materials
    2. Oversized shipments
  • Claim type. DHL® Express (most common)

    Claims are submitted through your DHL® express account.
  • Product name. Specific to your business

    Enter the name of the product you ship the most.

    Tip: Be specific by choosing the name of a single product.

    Tip: Use the same name defined on your customer invoice.

    1. Example: Basil
    2. Example: Parmesan cheese
    3. Example: Biopsy
  • Product description. Specific to your business

    Tell us a bit more about the Product.
    1. Example: cold pack container
    2. Example: 3 year aged, artesian
    3. Example: small sample size
  • Product quantity. Specific to your business

    Provide the quantity of the product included in typical order.

    Note: This will be used to create each line item on the documents generated.

    1. Example: 30
    2. Example: 7
    3. Example: 1
  • Product price. Specific to your business

    Provide the list price ofthe product included in typical order.

    Note: This will be used to create each line item on the documents generated.

    1. Example: $4.52
    2. Example: $19.99
    3. Example: $624.00
  • Claim valuation methodology. Fixed valuation methodology

    This determines how the total of the claim is calculated.

    Note: Alternate claim valuation methodologies require input from Share A Refund. Please contact customer service for more info.

    Alternate types of claim valuation methodology:

    1. Weight-based valuations
    2. Reference field mapping for box size
    3. Reference field mapping for sku
    4. Shipping method type mapping
    5. Ship from location mapping
    6. Ship to location mappingCommon policies requiring alternate valuation models:
    7. High-Value Goods: Parcel Pro™
    8. UPS® Capital Elite™ for Vintners
  • Claim amount. $100

    This implies a $100 claim amount on each claim submitted.
  • Comments/explanation. Merchandise destroyed

    Comments are used on the claim form to help UPS® Capital see the reason for which a claim is filed.
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