No Proof of Delivery Shipments Report

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No proof of delivery shipments report can be found within the reporting dashboard for customer. The intent of this article is to explain how the report is extracted.


This report displays all shipment with no proof of delivery for account(s) selected.

How to generate report

How to generate No Proof of Delivery Shipments Report – Customer

No Proof of Delivery Shipment Report Format

The No Proof of Delivery Shipment Report is segmented by the following information:
  • Invoice
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Amount
  • Tracking Number
  • Service Type
  • Bill Option
  • Zone
  • Ship Date
  • Delivery Date
  • Delivery Time
  • Commercial/residential Designation
  • Currency
  • Net Charges
  • Pachages
  • Multi-Piece/Hundred Weight Shipment Identifier
  • Package Dimensions (Length/Width/Height)
  • Tender Weight
  • Actual Weight Unit of Measurement
  • Billed Weight
  • Billed Weight Unit of Measurement
  • Sender/Receiver (Name/Company/Street/City/State/Zip/Country)
This report includes all shipments with no proof of delivery shipment.
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