Details on the Stripe Integration with Share A Refund

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Stripe is a cloud-based infrastructure that brings reliability, scalability, and security to online payments. It’s used by some of the largest companies in the world. The information below details how this industry-leading payment technology platform is incorporated into the Share A Refund Merchant Platform.

Merchant work with Stripe directly

Share A Refund does not middle the transaction between Share A Refund Merchant and Stripe in any way. There are no fees of any kind from the Share A Refund end. All credit card storage, credit card transactions and payouts are wholly managed between the Share A Refund Merchant and Stripe.

Credit card storage

Protecting customer information is critical. All credit card numbers are encrypted and stored within Stripe using AES-256 encryption. Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the highest level of certification available in the payments industry. All information managed by Stripe is protected within the Stripe privacy and security policies and adheres to federal regulations.

Related user types:

One-time payment of invoices

Users can pay open invoices in a single, one-time payment. During this workflow, a user can elect to store or not store a credit card on file for future transactions.

Related user types:

AutoPay of invoices

AutoPay is a feature in the app that streamlines the payables process. Credit cards are stored with the highest-level of security and compliance.

Related user types:

Settling transactions in foreign currencies

Transactions denominated in any foreign currency are routed to your bank account as a payout in your local currency. As such, receiving payment from an international customer in a foreign currency is as easy as receiving a payment from a domestic customer.
In the case of a foreign currency transaction, Share A Refund will wholly carry the exchange rate risk, by using the the same exchange rate that was used on the Merchant Customer Invoice on the Merchant Invoice.

Related user types:

Other payment gateways

At the time of writing this support article, Share A Refund does not support any additional payment gateways or merchant providers.
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