How to filter billing notifications on UPS® accounts

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The intent of this article is to detail the different ways to manage UPS® billing notifications for customers. Share A Refund monitors all shipment dispute activity, so your customers don’t have to.

Pro tip

These billing notifications can be safely ignored by the customer. They don’t need to be sent to the team, as all related information is viewable online.

Turn off all notifications in UPS®

These are the directions you, or your customer, will need to follow. UPS® notifications can be turned off in two different locations.

1. Within the My Information section of your account.
Name (top right) > My information > Communication preferences
UPS billing notifications share a refund
2. Within the Notifications section of Online Billing. Administration > Notification
Manage your UPS billing notifications

Create an inbox filter for dispute denials

When inbox filters are created, they run continuously and automatically in the background. There’s no additional work required once the filter criteria are properly set up.

Gmail filter

Both you and your customers can manage all incoming mail using Gmail’s built-in filters.
Use a specific email to create a filter

Outlook filter

Use a specific email to create a filter

Pro tip

Use Advanced Options to add more conditions, actions or exceptions to the rule.

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