How to attach sales reps to customer accounts

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Share A Refund makes it easy to attach sales reps (or agents) to customer accounts through user roles and the Linked User feature. This article outlines how to add a customer to a sales agent.

Add customer to sales rep

Attach sales rep to customer account

Note: A unique email address is required on each account. Duplicate sales rep email addresses cannot be listed on multiple accounts.

Use Gmail features to create multiple email addresses

Gmail makes it possible to create unlimited email addresses. Use the plus method to create unique email addresses for each sales rep.

Assign a Sales Agent

Merchants now have the ability to assign a sales agent within the Edit User page for a given customer’s account.

Options available

There are two checkboxes available to an admin that can be selected for a Sales Agent role type. Each is listed below:

Allow Accessing Resources?

Enable this checkbox to give User access to the Sales and Marketing materials. Note: this also shows Sales Agent all contracts, proposals and all other documents created, in addition to the sales and marketing materials.

Allow Accessing and Updating Assigned User’s Details?

Enable this checkbox to allow a Sales Agent to impersonate a customer. Within impersonation, a Sales Agent can see reports, make changes to the customer account, and inherit all features available to a customer.
Tip: Add sales agent email address to billing and report emails
The weekly or monthly emails that are sent to the customer are recommend to be sent to sales agents. This allows Sales Agent to keep up to date on all communication sent to a customer. This is managed on the Edit User page for a given Customer.

Next steps for sales reps

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