How to use Google Analytics to track conversions

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You can’t improve what hasn’t been measured. Google Analytics provides ways to track website traffic and identify problematic web pages where customers are dropping off instead of completing the conversion funnel.

Google Analytics goal setup

Setting up google analytics with goals
Google Analytics Goals

Pro tip

It’s a best practice to enter a Goal Value even for unmonetized lead generation. This allows Google Analytics to calculate metrics like Page Value and Per Visit Goal Value.

Google analytics funnel setup

Before you save your goal, you have the option of adding a funnel.

URLs in the conversion funnel:

Funnel visualization report

The funnel visualization is an efficient way to understand user flow on your website.
You can see in this example there is a higher percentage exiting the page in Step 1 and Step 2. Only about 28% of users make it from Step 1 through to Step 2.

Pro tip

These statistics can help identify if the visitors are going to another link in the website or exiting the site altogether. If they are completely exiting the site, the page could be optimized and tested to see if data changes.

Prospectus conversion tracking

Each Prospectus is assigned a unique hash value that’s embedded within the PDF documents created as well as the link paths on the view of Prospectus results.
Example link:
The link above showcases the hash value of a unique prospectus created. Replace with your Merchant Instance.
All conversion paths include this unique hash value as a URL parameter. As shown in the example below.
Example link:
This allows for pinpoint accuracy in funnel management and conversion optimization
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