Refunded Shipments with Service Fees Report

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The Refunded Shipments with Service Fees Report can be found within the Reporting Dashboard. The intent of this article is to explain the function of the report.


The purpose of the Refunded Shipments with Service Fees Report is to display all refunded shipments for the selected product (Audit and Recovery or Lost and Damage)

How to generate report

The Refunded Shipments with Service Fees Report can be generated in two options;

Admins and manager users

All reports across all accounts are merged into a single spreadsheet.

Fields included within

  • Customer Name
  • Company
  • PO Number
  • Tracking Number
  • Carrier Invoice
  • Carrier Account
  • Carrier Invoice Amount
  • Carrier Invoice Date
  • Currency
  • Refund Amount
  • Refund Type
  • Carrier Invoice where credit applied
  • Service fees invoice #
  • Service fee amount
  • Invoice ID
  • Invoice Date
  • Description (of service)
  • Status
  • Discount
  • Total
  • Payment Date
  • Payment Method
  • Payment Amount
  • Payment Status
  • Payment Notes

Schedule reports

The Refunded Shipments with Service Fees Report can be scheduled within the Scheduled reports section of the Reporting Dashboard.

Additional resources

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