UPS® Shipping Charge Correction Audit Fee

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If you’ve ever guessed or miscalculated the weight or measurement of a package before sending it out, you are not alone. The intent of this article is to explain what the UPS® Shipping Charge Correction Audit Fee is, why it gets applied and what you can do to avoid it.

What is the UPS® Audit Fee?

UPS® is now attaching a fee on shipments that match the following criteria:

Basically, UPS® corrects the dimensions and/or weight to the observed, actual dimensions and/or weight and assesses an additional fee.

Note: This Audit Fee is not related to any actions taken by Share A Refund.

How much is the UPS® Shipping Charge Correction Audit Fee?

This audit fee will be charged in the amount of $1.00 per adjusted package or 6% of the adjusted revenue for that week’s invoice, whichever amount greater.

How to avoid UPS® Audit Fee

The Audit Fee is completely avoidable. UPS® isn’t looking to penalize those that make the occasional one-inch mistake. The Audit Fee occurs only if the average correction for your shipment amounts to more than $5.00. A practice management recommendation is to measure each shipment to +/- 1 inch to avoid being hit with this fee.

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