How to create a new admin user

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Are you on the create new user page?

Select Admin from the Role field while creating the user account.

Admin users can only be created by existing Admin users. The process for creating additional Admin users is detailed below.

Directions for creating new admin users

The following guide is intended for Admin Merchant Users.

Directions for updating existing user to admin user type

A user created through the customer sign up workflow, or created using the create user workflow described in the section above is set as the user type of User. This type of User relates to Customers, and cannot be changed, updated, modified from within your Admin User dashboard, due to security purposes.
To change an existing User to an Admin user type, please contact merchant support for assistance.

Directions for deleting an admin user

Admin users can be removed from the system as any normal user. This can only be done by other Admin user types.
Going forward, the system will not allow this user to login. Disabled users can be viewed by selecting the View All option on the Users list view.
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