Print resources available to merchants

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Share A Refund believes in preparing partners to sell in all situations by providing branded sales and marketing materials. This article will outline the Share A Refund generated resources that can be printed and used for in-person meetings or other events. Take a look inside the Resources Folder within your admin dashboard for a host of resources that were created just for you.

Customized marketing materials are only a tap away

Print materials are great for leaving a lasting impression with potential customers. You can locate the hard and soft versions of these files inside the Resources Folder within your dashboard.


Cut sheets

Case studies

Two case studies from different industries are included. One case study shows a customer that made the switch from a competitor and one describes a customer that made the switch from doing the auditing and recovery internally.

Example reports

PDF report that showcases some of the reporting capabilities built-in. This report is also available within the demo provided.

Business cards

Business cards legitimize your business and leave a powerful impression after a meeting. Visit the Resources Folder and select the custom business card template to create your business cards in seconds.


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